
19 August Press release Mininavident


Mininavident AG, developer and manufacturer of the world’s smallest dynamic navigation system for dental implant placement, is pleased to announce its acquisition by the Straumann Group, a global leader in tooth replacement, orthodontic solutions and adjacent dental technologies.

Mininavident was founded 2013 in Basel as a spin-off from the University of Basel and the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, FHNW. The founders, engineers and maxillofacial surgeons, wanted to provide dental implant surgeons with an easy-to-use lightweight navigation system that would help them to place dental implants and would allow for a fully digital workflow from planning the implant position in 3D to actually placing the implant exactly in the position, angulation and depth as desired.

Mininavident AG is a recipient of the CTI Label and the Swiss Technology Award and obtained the CE mark for its navigation system.

In October 2021, Straumann became an investor in Mininavident, has since worked together with the Mininavident team to further develop the navigation system and will market it under the name of Straumann Falcon.

In July 2024, Straumann completed the acquisition of Mininavident AG by purchasing almost all of the remaining shares from other shareholders and will subsequently integrate Mininavident into the Straumann Group.

Michael Breitenstein, CEO of Mininavident AG commented:

“With Straumann, we have found the perfect partner to bring our system to world-wide application. Straumann's commitment to technology leadership fits very well with our DNA and we look forward to pursuing the market-oriented further development of our dynamic navigation for the benefit of surgeons and patients”.


März 21-2023

We inform about the Launch of our system at the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany

Here you can read the media release of Straumann Group IDS 2023

October 28,2021

We are pleased to inform that Straumann has acquired a stake in our company, which will bring about positive, sustainable changes for us and our customers. You will find more detailed information in the enclosed press release.

22.Juli 2021

Eine Forschergruppe des Universitären Zentrums für Zahnmedizin Basel (UZB) hat in einem innovativen Projekt die dynamische Navigation im Bereich der Endodontie untersucht. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass mittels der DENACAM sehr substanzschonende endodontische Zugangskavitäten präpariert werden können. Details können der Publikation, welche im hochrangigen Journal of Endodontics (IF4,1) erscheint, entnommen werden.


Connert T, Leontiev W, Dagassan-Berndt D, Kühl S , ElAyouti A, Krug R, Krastl G, Weiger R.(2021) Real-Time Guided Endodontics with a Miniaturized Dynamic Navigation System Versus Conventional Freehand Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation: Substance Loss and Prodedure Time. Jurnal of Endodontics.




February 10, 2021

PD Dr .Sigmar Schnutenhaus, Dr. Cornelia Edelmann and dentist Anne Knipper win DGCZ Conference Best Award 2020 on Dynamic Navigation in Implantology with the DENACAM System from Mininavident AG.

You can find the publication here



June 01, 2020


Modern computer planning procedures improve the safety and accuracy of surgery. So far, however, only very few of the virtually planned operations could be carried out in this way. With the dynamic navigation system, preoperative planning of the operation can now be realised precisely thanks to real-time navigation. Dynamic guided dental implant surgery is thus an example of successful innovation at the interface between medicine and dentistry. Writes Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. MHBA B. Benitez in the current (2/19) information paper of the Coordinated Medical Service (KSD) of the Swiss Army.

April 7, 2020

At the University Centre for Dentistry in Basel, the loss of substance and the time of trepanation of obstructed teeth was investigated using Real-Time-Guided-Endodontics [RTGE] in comparison to the conventional technique. The dynamic navigation system DENACAM from Mininavident AG was used for the "in vitro" study.

March 20, 2020

Dynamic real-time navigation can be used not only for dental implantology, but also for endodontics and apicoectomy, write Prof. Dr. med. dent. Karin C. Huth and Dr. Maximilian Kollmuß in the current issue of the Bayerisches Zahnärzteblatt (p. 62 - 63) about innovative treatment options in conservative and restorative dentistry. "We are curious to see whether dynamic navigation can make a name for itself in these endodontic treatment cases; this option is certainly interesting for the treatment portfolio," the authors say.


MARCH 17, 2020

We are pleased to offer Osseview from 3DDX as another direct interface for the DENACAM system. More information about Osseview can be found on the website

An overview of all planning software with direct interface to the DENACAM system can be found under this link.

FEBRUARY 19, 2020


We are pleased to offer BlueSkyPlan from BlueSkyBio as a further direct interface for the DENACAM system. You can find the download link here:

JANUARY 13, 2020


The Mininavident AG is pleased to welcome you to our new website. As of now, you can order the consumables directly from our webshop.

JULY 26, 2019


With the release of coDiagnostiX 9.12.1, two additional digital workflows are available for users.

For the first time, existing CBCT data records (without DENAMARK) can be used for a dynamically navigated operation with the DENACAM system. This is especially interesting for referrers whose patients already have a current CBCT recording.



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mininavident AG
Gerberstrasse 5
4410 Liestal


+41 (0)61 561 71 16